Lubaina Himid’s Naming the Money at the Entangled Pasts, 1768-now exhibition, Royal Academy, London – by Geoff Quilley

Lubaina Himid’s Naming the Money at the Entangled Pasts, 1768-now exhibition, Royal Academy, London – by Geoff Quilley

The culmination of the recent Entangled Pasts exhibition at the Royal Academy, London (3 February–28 April 2024) was undoubtedly Lubaina Himid’s monumental work Naming the Money (2004) (Fig. 1). The exhibition itself was an ambitious and highly admirable engagement by the Royal Academy with its own institutional “entanglement” with colonial and…

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Bookbinding in Eighteenth-Century Nuremberg: Reconstructing an Edge Plough from the Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen

Bookbinding in Eighteenth-Century Nuremberg: Reconstructing an Edge Plough from the Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen

Ellen Siebel-Achenbach In his full-length portrait, the eighteenth-century bookbinder Heinrich Treu (ca. 1662–1733) stands beside a workbench, his hand resting on a large sewing frame whilst a lying press with three books and an edge plough sit at his feet (Fig. 1). Painted in 1722, the portrait is included in…

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